Proven Steam Turbine Control Solutions
Any Size, Any Application. Purpose-built for steam turbines, Woodward’s powerful controllers have the performance and accuracy required for today’s steam turbine applications. Steam turbine OEMs utilize Woodward’s turbine controllers to ensure their packages meet steady-state stability and fast transient responses required by petrochemical plant processes and utility grid regulatory commissions.
Proven Gas Turbine Control & Protection Solutions
Purpose-built for gas turbines, Woodward’s powerful controllers have the performance and accuracy required for today’s gas turbine applications. Gas turbine OEMs utilize Woodward’s turbine controllers, fluid control systems, and actuators to ensure their packages meet rapid start, steady-state stability and fast transient responses required by distributed power generation, utility grid regulatory commissions, and pump/compressor applications.
Compressor Control Systems
Our integrated turbine-compressor and motor-compressor control systems maximize availability and performance in upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas applications, helping owners run their compression systems and process at peak efficiencies. All of our systems meet industry standards for machinery control and safety, and are fully tested in a dynamic simulation environment.
Safety Control Products
Woodward designs its line of turbo-machinery safety control products to be easily integrated together, simplifying system design and assuring unit-to-unit compatibility. This integrated approach reduces installation costs and allows customers to scale their system components to meet the requirements of small, medium, or large steam turbine applications.