Lighting fixtures for LED tubes
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They type of protection flameproof “d”.They are ideal to illuminate homogeneously settings that may requirecompact devices, bright lighting and cost maintenance.
Lighting fixtures for incandescent or discharge lamp
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They have protection mode• with flameproof enclosure “d”• part with flameproof enclosure “d” (lamp compartment) and part withincreased safety “e” (connections compartment).They are […]
Traffic lights and signalling spots with incandescent or halogen lamps
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They have protection mode• with flameproof enclosure “d”• part with flameproof enclosure “d” (lamp compartment) and part withincreased safety “e” (connections compartment).They are […]
Lighting fixtures for LED tubes
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They have protection mode• with flameproof enclosure “d”• part with flameproof enclosure “d” (lamp compartment) and part withincreased safety “e” (connections compartment).They are […]
These supports are used for mounting of lighting fixtures for civil,industrial, commercial and public areas with use of a few luminouscentres of high altitude.The utility of high masts with mobile crown in lighting large areas isuniversally recognised.It, in fact, represents the best answer either from lighting environmental,maintenance point of view.Lighting high mast undertakes an irreplaceable […]
Emergency and signaling lighting fixtures with led module
These equipment are suitable for civil, commercial, industrial and publicareas where is demanded protection against dust and moisture.They are ideal to illuminate homogeneously settings that may requirecompact devices ,bright lighting and cost maintenance.They are ideal to ensure emergency lighting when the supply to normallighting fails as to provide to safety of people leaving a location […]
Lighting fixtures for LED tubes
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They type of protection flameproof “d”.They are ideal to illuminate homogeneously settings that may requirecompact devices, bright lighting and cost maintenance.
Lighting fixtures for LED tubes
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mistsor caused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.
Emergency and signaling lighting fixtures with fluorescent tubes
These equipment are suitable for civil, commercial, industrial and publicareas where is demanded protection against dust and moisture.They are ideal to illuminate homogeneously settings that may requirecompact devices ,bright lighting and cost maintenance.They are ideal to ensure emergency lighting when the supply to normallighting fails as to provide to safety of people leaving a location […]
Lighting fixtures for LED module
These equipment are suitable to be installed in places in which, during thenormal activities, explosive atmosphere caused by gases, vapours, mists orcaused by mixture of air and combustible dust are likely to occur.They type of protection flameproof “d”.They are normally used for uniform illumination of rooms and structures. Themain features of these lighting fixtures are […]